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RFC 1243:
AppleTalk Management Information Base


Network Working Group                             S. Waldbusser, Editor
Request for Comments: 1243                   Carnegie Mellon University
                                                              July 1991

                 AppleTalk Management Information Base

Status of this Memo

   This memo defines objects for managing AppleTalk objects for use with
   the SNMP protocol.  This memo is a product of the AppleTalk-IP
   Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).  This
   RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

   1. Abstract ..............................................    1
   2. The Network Management Framework.......................    2
   3. Objects ...............................................    2
   3.1 Format of Definitions ................................    3
   4. Overview ..............................................    3
   4.1 Structure of MIB .....................................    3
   4.2 The LocalTalk Link Access Protocol Group .............    3
   4.3 The AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol Group ......    4
   4.4 The AppleTalk Port Group .............................    4
   4.5 The Datagram Delivery Protocol Group .................    4
   4.6 The Routing Table Maintenance Protocol Group .........    4
   4.7 The Kinetics Internet Protocol Group .................    4
   4.8 The Zone Information Protocol Group ..................    4
   4.9 The Name Binding Protocol Group ......................    4
   4.10 The AppleTalk Echo Protocol Group ...................    5
   4.11 Textual Conventions .................................    5
   5. Definitions ...........................................    5
   6. Acknowledgements ......................................   27
   7. References ............................................   28
   8. Security Considerations................................   29
   9. Author's Address.......................................   29

1.  Abstract

   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.
   In particular, it defines objects for managing AppleTalk networks.

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2.  The Network Management Framework

   The Internet-standard Network Management Framework consists of three
   components.  They are:

      RFC 1155 which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for describing
      and naming objects for the purpose of management.  RFC 1212
      defines a more concise description mechanism, which is wholly
      consistent with the SMI.

      RFC 1156 which defines MIB-I, the core set of managed objects for
      the Internet suite of protocols.  RFC 1213, defines MIB-II, an
      evolution of MIB-I based on implementation experience and new
      operational requirements.

      RFC 1157 which defines the SNMP, the protocol used for network
      access to managed objects.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

3.  Objects

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [7]
   defined in the SMI.  In particular, each object has a name, a syntax,
   and an encoding.  The name is an object identifier, an
   administratively assigned name, which specifies an object type.  The
   object type together with an object instance serves to uniquely
   identify a specific instantiation of the object.  For human
   convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the OBJECT
   DESCRIPTOR, to also refer to the object type.

   The syntax of an object type defines the abstract data structure
   corresponding to that object type.  The ASN.1 language is used for
   this purpose.  However, the SMI [3] purposely restricts the ASN.1
   constructs which may be used.  These restrictions are explicitly made
   for simplicity.

   The encoding of an object type is simply how that object type is
   represented using the object type's syntax.  Implicitly tied to the
   notion of an object type's syntax and encoding is how the object type
   is represented when being transmitted on the network.

   The SMI specifies the use of the basic encoding rules of ASN.1 [8],
   subject to the additional requirements imposed by the SNMP.

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3.1.  Format of Definitions

   Section 5 contains the specification of all object types contained in
   this MIB module.  The object types are defined using the conventions
   defined in the SMI, as amended by the extensions specified in [9,10].

4.  Overview

   AppleTalk is a protocol suite which features an open peer-to-peer
   architecture that runs over a variety of transmission media.
   AppleTalk is defined in [10].  This protocol suite interoperates with
   the IP protocol suite through various encapsulation methods.  As
   large AppleTalk networks are built that coexist with large IP
   networks, a method to manage the AppleTalk networks with SNMP becomes
   necessary.  This MIB defines managed objects to be used for managing
   AppleTalk networks.

4.1.  Structure of MIB

   The objects are arranged into the following groups:

                      - LLAP
                      - AARP
                      - ATPort
                      - DDP
                      - RTMP
                      - KIP
                      - ZIP
                      - NBP
                      - ATEcho

   These groups are the basic unit of conformance. If the semantics of a
   group is applicable to an implementation, then it must implement all
   objects in that group.  For example, a managed agent must implement
   the KIP group if and only if it implements the KIP protocol.

   These groups are defined to provide a means of assigning object
   identifiers, and to provide a method for managed agents to know which
   objects they must implement.

4.2.  The LocalTalk Link Access Protocol Group

   The LocalTalk Link Access Protocol (LLAP) is a medium-speed data-link
   protocol designed for low cost and plug-and-play operation.  The LLAP
   group is designed to manage all interfaces on a managed device that
   use this protocol.

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4.3.  The AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol Group

   The AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP) is used to map
   between AppleTalk node addresses, used by the Datagram Delivery
   Protocol, and the addresses of the underlying data link layer.  The
   AARP table allows for management of the Address Mapping Table on the
   managed device.

4.4.  The AppleTalk Port Group

   An AppleTalk Port is a logical connection to a network over which
   AppleTalk packets can be transmitted.  This group allows the
   management of the configuration of these AppleTalk ports.

4.5.  The Datagram Delivery Protocol Group

   The Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP) is the network-layer protocol
   that is responsible for the socket-to-socket delivery of datagrams
   over the AppleTalk Internet.  This group manages the DDP layer on the
   managed device.

4.6.  The Routing Table Maintenance Protocol Group

   The Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP) is used by AppleTalk
   routers to create and maintain the routing tables that dictate the
   process of forwarding datagrams on the AppleTalk internet.  The RTMP
   group manages the RTMP protocol as well as the routing tables
   generated by this protocol.

4.7.  The Kinetics Internet Protocol Group

   The Kinetics Internet Protocol (KIP) is a protocol for encapsulating
   and routing AppleTalk datagrams over an IP internet.  This name is
   historical.  The KIP group manages the KIP routing protocol as well
   as the routing tables generated by this protocol.

4.8.  The Zone Information Protocol Group

   The Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) is used to maintain a mapping
   between networks and zone names to facilitate the name lookup process
   performed by the Name Binding Protocol.  The ZIP group manages this
   protocol and the mapping it produces.

4.9.  The Name Binding Protocol Group

   The Name Binding Protocol (NBP) is a transport-level protocol that is
   used to convert human readable service names into the numeric
   AppleTalk network addresses needed for communicating across the

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   AppleTalk network.  The NBP group manages this protocol and the NBP
   services that exist on the managed device.

4.10.  The AppleTalk Echo Protocol Group

   The AppleTalk Echo Protocol is a transport-level protocol used to
   test and verify the status of the AppleTalk internet.  The AtEcho
   group manages this protocol.

4.11.  Textual Conventions

   A new data type is introduced as a textual convention in this MIB
   document.  This textual convention enhances the readability of the
   specification and can ease comparison with other specifications if
   appropriate.  It should be noted that the introduction of this
   textual convention has no effect on either the syntax or the
   semantics of any managed objects.  The use of this is merely an
   artifact of the explanatory method used.  Objects defined in terms of
   this method are always encoded by means of the rules that define the
   primitive type.  Hence, no changes to the SMI or the SNMP are
   necessary to accommodate this textual convention which is adopted
   merely for the convenience of readers and writers in pursuit of the
   elusive goal of clear, concise, and unambiguous MIB documents.

   The new data type is:

                  DdpAddress ::=          -- 2 octets of net number,
                                          -- 1 octet of node number
                          OCTET STRING (SIZE (3))

5.  Definitions


                  Counter, IpAddress
                          FROM RFC1155-SMI
                  DisplayString, mib-2
                      FROM RFC1213-MIB
                          FROM RFC-1212;

          --  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
          --  defined in [9]

          --  AppleTalk MIB

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                  appletalk    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 13 }

                  DdpAddress ::=  -- 2 octets of net number
                                  -- 1 octet of node number
                          OCTET STRING (SIZE (3))
                  -- This data type is used for encoding a DDP protocol
                  -- address.  The format of this address is a serial
                  -- encoding of the two octets of network number in
                  -- network byte order, followed by the 1 octet node
                  -- number.

                  llap     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 1 }
                  aarp     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 2 }
                  atport   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 3 }
                  ddp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 4 }
                  rtmp     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 5 }
                  kip      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 6 }
                  zip      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 7 }
                  nbp      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 8 }
                  atecho   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 9 }

          -- The LLAP Group

          llapTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LlapEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The list of LLAP entries."
                  ::= { llap 1 }
          llapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX LlapEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "An LLAP entry containing objects for the
                      LocalTalk Link Access Protocol for a particular
                      LocalTalk interface."
                  INDEX { llapIfIndex }
                  ::= { llapTable 1 }

          LlapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  llapIfIndex             INTEGER,
                  llapInPkts              Counter,
                  llapOutPkts             Counter,
                  llapInNoHandlers        Counter,

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                  llapInLengthErrors      Counter,
                  llapInBads              Counter,
                  llapCollisions          Counter,
                  llapDefers              Counter,
                  llapNoDataErrors        Counter,
                  llapRandomCTSErrors     Counter,
                  llapFCSErrors           Counter
          llapIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The LLAP interface to which this entry pertains.
                      The interface identified by a particular value of
                      this index is the same interface as identified
                      by the same value of ifIndex."
                  ::= { llapEntry 1 }

          llapInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of good packets received on this
                      LocalTalk interface."
                  ::= { llapEntry 2 }

          llapOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of packets transmitted on this
                      LocalTalk interface."
                  ::= { llapEntry 3 }

          llapInNoHandlers OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of good packets received on this
                      LocalTalk interface for which there was no
                      protocol handler."
                  ::= { llapEntry 4 }

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          llapInLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of packets received on this
                      LocalTalk interface whose actual length did not
                      match the length in the header."
                  ::= { llapEntry 5 }

          llapInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of packets containing errors
                      received on this LocalTalk interface."
                  ::= { llapEntry 6 }

          llapCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of collisions assumed on this
                      LocalTalk interface due to the lack of a lapCTS
                  ::= { llapEntry 7 }

          llapDefers OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of times this LocalTalk
                      interface deferred to other packets."
                  ::= { llapEntry 8 }

          llapNoDataErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of times this LocalTalk
                      interface received a lapRTS packet and expected
                      a data packet, but did not receive any data
                  ::= { llapEntry 9 }

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          llapRandomCTSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of times this LocalTalk
                      interface received a lapCTS packet that was
                      not solicited by a lapRTS packet."
                  ::= { llapEntry 10 }

          llapFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of times this LocalTalk
                      interface received a packet with an FCS
                      (Frame Check Sequence) error."
                  ::= { llapEntry 11 }

          -- The AARP Group
          aarpTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AarpEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The AppleTalk Address Translation Table
                      contains an equivalence of AppleTalk Network
                      Addresses to the link layer physical address."
                  ::= { aarp 1 }

          aarpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX AarpEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "Each entry contains one AppleTalk Network
                      Address to physical address equivalence."
                  INDEX { aarpIfIndex, aarpNetAddress }
                  ::= { aarpTable 1 }

          AarpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  aarpIfIndex     INTEGER,
                  aarpPhysAddress OCTET STRING,
                  aarpNetAddress  DdpAddress

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          aarpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The interface on which this entry's equivalence
                      is effective.  The interface identified by a
                      particular value of this index is the same
                      interface as identified by the same value of
                  ::= { aarpEntry 1 }

          aarpPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The media-dependent physical address"
                  ::= { aarpEntry 2 }

          aarpNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX DdpAddress
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The AppleTalk Network Address corresponding to
                      the media-dependent physical address."
                  ::= { aarpEntry 3 }

          -- The ATPort Group

          atportTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtportEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "A list of AppleTalk ports for this entity."
                  ::= { atport 1 }

          atportEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX AtportEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The description of one of the AppleTalk
                      ports on this entity."
                  INDEX { atportIndex }

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                  ::= { atportTable 1 }

          AtportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  atportIndex               INTEGER,
                  atportDescr               DisplayString,
                  atportType                INTEGER,
                  atportNetStart            OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  atportNetEnd              OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  atportNetAddress          DdpAddress,
                  atportStatus              INTEGER,
                  atportNetConfig           INTEGER,
                  atportZoneConfig          INTEGER,
                  atportZone                OCTET STRING,
                  atportIfIndex             INTEGER

          atportIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "A unique value for each AppleTalk port.
                      Its value is between 1 and the total number of
                      AppleTalk ports.  The value for each port must
                      remain constant at least from the
                      re-initialization of the entity's network
                      management system to the next
                  ::= { atportEntry 1 }

          atportDescr OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX DisplayString
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "A text string containing information about the
                      port.  This string is intended for presentation
                      to a human; it must not contain anything but
                      printable ASCII characters."
                  ::= { atportEntry 2 }

          atportType OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                       other(1),       -- none of the following

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                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The type of port, distinguished by the protocol
                      immediately below DDP in the protocol stack."
                  ::= { atportEntry 3 }

          atportNetStart OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The first AppleTalk network address in the range
                      configured for this port.  This is a two octet
                      DDP network address in network byte order."
                  ::= { atportEntry 4 }

          atportNetEnd OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The last AppleTalk network address in the range
                      configured for this port.  This is a two octet
                      DDP network address in network byte order.  If the
                      network to which this AppleTalk port is
                      connected is a Phase 1 network or a non-extended
                      network, the value for atportNetEnd shall be two
                      octets of zero."
                  ::= { atportEntry 5 }

          atportNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX DdpAddress
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The AppleTalk network address configured for this
                  ::= { atportEntry 6 }

          atportStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {

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                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The configuration status of this port.

                      Setting this object to the value invalid(4)
                      has the effect of invalidating the corresponding
                      entry in the atportTable.  That is, it
                      effectively disassociates the mapping identified
                      with said entry.  It is an
                      implementation-specific matter as to whether the
                      agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
                      Accordingly, management stations must be
                      prepared to receive from agents tabular
                      information corresponding to entries not
                      currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such
                      entries requires examination of the relevant
                      atportStatus object."
                          ::= { atportEntry 7 }

          atportNetConfig OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                      configured(1),  -- explicit configuration.
                      garnered(2),    -- assumed from inspection of net.
                      guessed(3),     -- a "random" configuration.
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The configuration status of this port."
                  ::= { atportEntry 8 }

          atportZoneConfig OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                      configured(1),  -- explicit configuration
                      garnered(2),    -- assumed from inspection of net.
                      guessed(3),     -- a "random" configuration.
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The configuration status of the zone information

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                      for this port."
                  ::= { atportEntry 9 }

          atportZone OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The zone name configured for this AppleTalk
                  ::= { atportEntry 10 }

          atportIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The physical interface associated with this
                      AppleTalk port.  The interface identified by a
                      particular value of this index is the same
                      interface as identified by the same value of
                  ::= { atportEntry 11 }

          -- The DDP Group

          ddpOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of DDP datagrams which were
                      supplied to DDP by local DDP clients in requests
                      for transmission.  Note that this counter does
                      not include any datagrams counted in
                  ::= { ddp 1 }

          ddpOutShorts OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of short DDP datagrams which
                      were transmitted from this entity."
                  ::= { ddp 2 }

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          ddpOutLongs OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of long DDP datagrams which were
                      transmitted from this entity."
                  ::= { ddp 3 }

          ddpInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input datagrams received by
                      DDP, including those received in error."
                  ::= { ddp 4 }

          ddpForwRequests OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The number of input datagrams for which this
                      entity was not their final DDP destination, as
                      a result of which an attempt was made to find a
                      route to forward them to that final destination."
                  ::= { ddp 5 }

          ddpInLocalDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input DDP datagrams for
                      which this entity was their final DDP
                  ::= { ddp 6 }

          ddpNoProtocolHandlers OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of DDP datagrams addressed to
                      this entity that were addressed to an upper
                      layer protocol for which no protocol handler

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                  ::= { ddp 7 }

          ddpOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of DDP datagrams dropped
                      because a route could not be found to their
                      final destination."
                  ::= { ddp 8 }

          ddpTooShortErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                      because the received data length was less than
                      the data length specified in the DDP header or
                      the received data length was less than the
                      length of the expected DDP header."
                  ::= { ddp 9 }

          ddpTooLongErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                      because the received data length was greater
                      than the data length specified in the DDP header
                      or because they exceeded the maximum DDP
                      datagram size."
                  ::= { ddp 10 }

          ddpBroadcastErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                      because this entity was not their final
                      destination and they were addressed to the link
                      level broadcast."
                  ::= { ddp 11 }

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          ddpShortDDPErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                      because this entity was not their final
                      destination and their type was short DDP."
                  ::= { ddp 12 }

          ddpHopCountErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                      because this entity was not their final
                      destination and their hop count would exceed 15."
                  ::= { ddp 13 }

          ddpChecksumErrors OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                      because of a checksum error."
                  ::= { ddp 14 }

          -- The RTMP Group

          rtmpTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RtmpEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "A list of Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
                      entries for this entity."
                  ::= { rtmp 1 }

          rtmpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX RtmpEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The route entry to a particular network range."
                  INDEX { rtmpRangeStart }

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                  ::= { rtmpTable 1 }

          RtmpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  rtmpRangeStart  OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  rtmpRangeEnd    OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  rtmpNextHop     OCTET STRING,
                  rtmpType        INTEGER,
                  rtmpPort        INTEGER,
                  rtmpHops        INTEGER,
                  rtmpState       INTEGER

          rtmpRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The first DDP network address in the network
                      range to which this routing entry pertains.
                      This is a two octet DDP network address in
                      network byte order."
                  ::= { rtmpEntry 1 }

          rtmpRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The last DDP network address in the network range
                      to which this routing entry pertains.  This is a
                      two octet DDP network address in network byte
                      order.  If the network to which this routing
                      entry pertains is a Phase 1 network or a
                      non-extended network, the value for rtmpRangeEnd
                      shall be two octets of zero."
                  ::= { rtmpEntry 2 }

          rtmpNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The next hop in the route to this entry's
                      destination network.  If the type of this route
                      is Appletalk, this address takes the same form
                      as DdpAddress."
                  ::= { rtmpEntry 3 }

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          rtmpType OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The type of network over which this route
                  ::= { rtmpEntry 4 }

          rtmpPort OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The index of the AppleTalk port over which
                      this route points."
                  ::= { rtmpEntry 5 }

          rtmpHops OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The number of hops required to reach the
                      destination network to which this routing
                      entry pertains."
                  ::= { rtmpEntry 6 }

          rtmpState OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                      bad(4) -- may be removed from table
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The status of the information contained in this
                      route entry.

                      Setting this object to the value bad(4) has the
                      effect of invalidating the corresponding entry

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

                      in the rtmpTable.  That is, it  effectively
                      disassociates the mapping identified with said
                      entry.  It is an implementation-specific matter
                      as to whether the agent removes an invalidated
                      entry from the table.  Accordingly, management
                      stations must be prepared to receive from agents
                      tabular information corresponding to entries not
                      currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such
                      entries requires examination of the relevant
                      rtmpState object."
                  ::= { rtmpEntry 7 }

          -- The KIP Group

          kipTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF KipEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The table of routing information for KIP
                  ::= { kip 1 }

          kipEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX KipEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "An entry in the routing table for KIP networks."
                  INDEX { kipNetStart }
                  ::= { kipTable 1 }

          KipEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  kipNetStart     OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  kipNetEnd       OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  kipNextHop      IpAddress,
                  kipHopCount     INTEGER,
                  kipBCastAddr    IpAddress,
                  kipCore         INTEGER,
                  kipType         INTEGER,
                  kipState        INTEGER,
                  kipShare        INTEGER

          kipNetStart OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The first AppleTalk network address in the
                      range for this routing entry.  This address is a
                      two octet DDP network address in network byte
                  ::= { kipEntry 1 }

          kipNetEnd OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The last AppleTalk network address in the range
                      for this routing entry.  This address is a two
                      octet DDP network address in network byte order.
                      If the network to which this AppleTalk port is
                      connected is a Phase 1 network or a non-extended
                      network, the value for kipNetEnd shall be two
                      octets of zero."
                  ::= { kipEntry 2 }

          kipNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX IpAddress
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The IP address of the next hop in the route to
                      this entry's destination network."
                  ::= { kipEntry 3 }

          kipHopCount OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The number of hops required to reach the
                      destination network to which this entry pertains."
                  ::= { kipEntry 4 }

          kipBCastAddr OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX IpAddress
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The form of the IP address used to broadcast on
                      this network."
                  ::= { kipEntry 5 }

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

          kipCore OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The status of this network as a Kip Core
                  ::= { kipEntry 6 }

          kipType OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The type of the entity that this route points
                  ::= { kipEntry 7 }

          kipState OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The state of this network entry.

                      Setting this object to the value invalid(3) has
                      the effect of invalidating the corresponding
                      entry in the kipTable.  That is, it effectively
                      disassociates the mapping identified with said
                      entry.  It is an implementation-specific matter
                      as to whether the agent removes an invalidated
                      entry from the table.
                      Accordingly, management stations must be
                      prepared to receive from agents tabular
                      information corresponding to entries not
                      currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

                      entries requires examination of the relevant
                      kipState object."
                  ::= { kipEntry 8 }

          kipShare OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "If the information in this entry is propagated
                      to other routers as part of a routing protocol,
                      the value of this variable is equal to
                      shared(1).  Otherwise its value is private(2)."
                  ::= { kipEntry 9 }

          -- The ZIP Group

          zipTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ZipEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The table of zone information for reachable
                      AppleTalk networks."
                  ::= { zip 1 }

          zipEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX ZipEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "An entry of zone information for a particular
                      zone and network combination."
                  INDEX { zipZoneNetStart, zipZoneIndex }
                  ::= { zipTable 1 }

          ZipEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  zipZoneName     OCTET STRING,
                  zipZoneIndex    INTEGER,
                  zipZoneNetStart OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  zipZoneNetEnd   OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)),
                  zipZoneState    INTEGER

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          zipZoneName OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The ASCII zone name of this entry."
                  ::= { zipEntry 1 }

          zipZoneIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "An integer that is unique to the zipZoneName
                      that is present in this entry.  For any given
                      zone name, every zipEntry that has an equal zone
                      name will have the same zipZoneIndex."
                  ::= { zipEntry 2 }

          zipZoneNetStart OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The network that starts the range for this
                      entry.  This address is a two octet DDP network
                      address in network byte order."
                  ::= { zipEntry 3 }

          zipZoneNetEnd OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The network that ends the range for this
                      entry.  This address is a two octet DDP network
                      address in network byte order.  If the network
                      to which this zip entry pertains is a Phase 1
                      network or a non-extended network, the value for
                      zipZoneNetEnd shall be two bytes of zero."
                  ::= { zipEntry 4 }

          zipZoneState OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  ACCESS read-write

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The state of this zip entry.

                      Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
                      the effect of invalidating the corresponding
                      entry in the zipTable.  That is, it effectively
                      disassociates the mapping identified with said
                      entry.  It is an implementation-specific matter
                      as to whether the agent removes an invalidated
                      entry from the table.
                      Accordingly, management stations must be
                      prepared to receive from agents tabular
                      information corresponding to entries not
                      currently in use.  Proper interpretation of
                      such entries requires examination of the
                      relevant zipZoneState object."
                  ::= { zipEntry 5 }

          -- The NBP Group

          nbpTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NbpEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The table of NBP services registered on this
                  ::= { nbp 1 }

          nbpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX NbpEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The description of an NBP service registered on
                      this entity."
                  INDEX { nbpIndex }
                  ::= { nbpTable  1 }

           NbpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  nbpIndex        INTEGER,
                  nbpObject       OCTET STRING,
                  nbpType         OCTET STRING,
                  nbpZone         OCTET STRING,
                  nbpState        INTEGER

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

          nbpIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The index of this NBP entry.  This value ranges
                      from 1 to the number of NBP entries currently
                      registered on this entity."
                  ::= { nbpEntry 1 }

          nbpObject OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The name of the service described by this
                  ::= { nbpEntry 2 }

          nbpType OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The type of the service described by this
                  ::= { nbpEntry 3 }

          nbpZone OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX OCTET STRING
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The zone the service described by this entity is
                      registered in."
                  ::= { nbpEntry 4 }

          nbpState OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  ACCESS read-write
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The state of this NBP entry.

                      Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

                      the effect of invalidating the corresponding
                      entry in the nbpTable.  That is, it effectively
                      disassociates the mapping identified with said
                      entry.  It is an implementation-specific matter
                      as to whether the agent removes an invalidated
                      entry from the table.
                      Accordingly, management stations must be
                      prepared to receive from agents tabular
                      information corresponding to entries not
                      currently in use.  Proper interpretation of
                      such entries requires examination of the
                      relevant nbpState object."
                  ::= { nbpEntry 5 }

          -- The ATEcho Group

          atechoRequests OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The number of AppleTalk echo requests received."
                  ::= { atecho 1 }

          atechoReplies OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX Counter
                  ACCESS read-only
                  STATUS mandatory
                      "The number of AppleTalk echo replies sent."
                  ::= { atecho 2 }

6.  Acknowledgements

   This document was produced by the IETF AppleTalk-IP Working Group:

               Terry Braun, Novell
               Gregory Bruell, Shiva
               Philip Budne, Shiva
               Rob Chandhok, CMU
               Cyrus Chow, NASA
               Bruce Crabill, UMD
               Peter DiCamillo, Brown
               Robert Elz, U. of Melbourne
               Tom Evans, Webster
               Karen Frisa, CMU

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RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

               Russ Hobby, UC Davis
               Tom Holodnik, CMU
               Peter Honeyman, U. of Michigan
               Michael Horowitz, Shiva
               Van Jacobson, Lawrence Berkeley Labs
               Doug Kerr, Novell
               Holly Knight, Apple
               Philip Koch, Dartmouth
               Louise Laier, Apple
               Nik Langrind, Shiva
               Joshua Littlefield, Cayman
               Kanchei Loa, Motorola
               John Mason, Apple
               Leo McLaughlin, TWG
               Milo Medin, NASA
               Greg Minshall, Novell
               Bob Morgan, Stanford
               Ed Moy, Berkeley
               Matthew Nocifore, Drexel
               Zbigniew Opalka, BBN
               Alan Oppenheimer, Apple
               Brad Parker, Cayman
               Greg Satz, Cisco
               John Seligson, Apple
               Frank Slaughter, Shiva
               Zaw-Sing Su, SRZ
               John Veizades, Apple
               Peter Vinsel, Apple
               Jonathan Wenocur, Shiva
               Steven Willis, Wellfleet

   In addition, the contribution of the following individuals is also

               Karen Frisa, Carnegie Mellon University
               Greg Minshall, Novell, Inc.
               Marshall T. Rose, PSI

7.  References

   [1] Cerf, V., "IAB Recommendations for the Development of Internet
       Network Management Standards", RFC 1052, NRI, April 1988.

   [2] Cerf, V., "Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review
       Group", RFC 1109, NRI, August 1989.

   [3] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
       Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1155,

AppleTalk-IP Working Group                                     [Page 28]

RFC 1243                     AppleTalk MIB                     July 1991

       Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May 1990.

   [4] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
       Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes
       LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.

   [5] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
       Network Management Protocol", RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
       Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
       International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.

   [6] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information Base
       for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1213,
       Performance Systems International, March 1991.

   [7] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
       International Organization for Standardization, International
       Standard 8824, December 1987.

   [8] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One
       (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization,
       International Standard 8825, December 1987.

   [9] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions",
       RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems,
       March 1991.

  [10] Sidhu, G., Andrews, R., and A. Oppenheimer, "Inside AppleTalk",
       Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 1990.

8.  Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

9.  Author's Address

   Steven Waldbusser
   Carnegie Mellon University
   4910 Forbes Ave.
   Pittsburgh, PA 15213

   EMail:  waldbusser@andrew.cmu.edu

AppleTalk-IP Working Group                                     [Page 29]


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